Write a Novella in—30 days?! (or, I Must Be mad, I Tell Ya— Mad!!)

Write a Novella in—30 days?! (or, I  Must Be Mad, I Tell Ya—Mad!!)


Can I write a novella in 30 days? Well, we’re about to find out, people!

I’m both excited and of course, terrified over putting this kind of declaration out in a blog post. Knowing it can be seen and that perhaps others might hold me to accomplishing this goal, that I might fail—well, is pretty darn scary.  But—I’ll do my best!

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A goal!

Does writing happen for most writers without making some kind of targeted mission plan? Isuspect not. Goals do hold us accountable don’t they? I’m thinking what better way of closing in on this writing objective than making a public pronouncement of the one I’m expecting to accomplish in the next 30 days.

I’m going to finish the first draft of my novella DEACON’S GARDEN, the second volume in the LOVE BLOOMS SERIES, by —

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It’s funny, I was thinking of using March 15th as my starting date, and April 15th as my crossing the finish line one.  I was waffling a bit on the dates until I went looking for a picture of a calendar to dress up this post and found the one above highlighting April 15th! You know I just had to take that as my beyond coincidence confirmation that the universe was giving me the go ahead for me to follow through on the impulse of doing this 30 day challenge. Sign from God? Yes, to me it definitely felt that way. And it will take some divine intervention for me to fit this in to my life’s schedule that’s full of busy and stress-filled work days, and most every night spent hanging out with my dad at the nursing home he’s in for eight weeks of rehab. Most days I’m getting home at 10 or 10:30, spent and more than loopy.

I know I said a while back I was going to switch my attention to indie-pubbing my WIP novel, I SEE YOU coincidentally I churned that one out during another 30 days challenge come to think of it! So yes, I do have firsthand experience –this 30 day turnaround is a realistic target!  Just FYI–the last time I did this y’all I was in the middle of a total bathroom and kitchen remodel.

I’ve slowly been revising my novel,  got through about 13 chapters on a first round of revisions and  I expect I SEE YOU will hit about 28-30 chapters– a pretty hefty-size novel once I’m done with it.

But this guy-


Yep, Chase!

‘Member him? The character I told you about who insisted his name was Chase, not Wes, not Luke, or any other cowboy-sounding name I could come up with. He’s the male lead (hero) from my novella DEACON’S GARDEN and the dude just won’t leave me alone! I’ve got to get this story out of me, or I’ll always find him pulling me back to it, and leaving me to feel flustered and unfocused.

The other thing is—

I’ve been blessed with a round of five star reviews and some other positive feedback over the last months for my short story BLACKOUT IN THE GARDEN OF LOVE.

Comments like these:

This short story is a refreshing change from the usual IR fare.

The characterizations and dialogue (internal and external) was spot on! I look forward to reading more of this author!!!

Keep up the excellent work and please keep writing!

Not only have these kinds of lovely comments made me grin and dance around like a fool—they’ve also triggered a logical conclusion in my head. Made me grasp the concept that the wise marketing thing for me to do as a new IR writer on the scene it to ride this tide of positivity by bringing something else to the market sometime sooner rather than later.

Anybody up for a challenge? Wanna get the writing juices flowing through you like wildfire, or go ahead and try that no-carb detox you’ve been thinking about, got a junked up room in your house you’d like to give all your extra time and attention for 30 days and turn it into a room of splendor? Let’s do it! Join me and put something on your calendar for the next 30 days. You don’t have to make a world wide proclamation, you know–just a quiet ‘tween you and nobody else challenge is cool, too.

Oh, and I’m going to lose five pounds, too!

I don’t know if this burst of energy is spring fever or winter madness—either one, I’m pumped!



4 comments on “Write a Novella in—30 days?! (or, I Must Be mad, I Tell Ya— Mad!!)

  1. Mae Clair says:

    Woo-hoo! I can feel the excitment rolling off you in this post. There is nothing a challenge to make you stick to a goal. I’m glad Chase has been yammering at you, insisting you tell his story. It definitely sounds like he made an impression.

    I would love to join you in your challenge/goal. I have a novella I’ve been chomping at the bit to start working on. Problem is, I’ve got two other novels I’m wrapping up with commitments first. On TWELFTH SUN I’m down to choosing excerpts for my publisher. Gotta do that this weekend. As for ECLIPSE LAKE, I need to go back, insert three scenes, do a final edit, then write a synopsis so I can ship it off for submission. If I can all of that accomplished, I’ll be giving you a shout-out to tell you I’m joining up on the challenge. Either that, or maybe I’ll set my own 30-day goal a little later in the month.

    Weird….I just downloaded an ap on my iPad Mini for writers. It’s a tracking program to write your novel in 30 days. I thought I’d use it when I started the novella. Great minds and all that, huh? LOL!

    I’m cheering you on with DEACON’S GARDEN! Go for it!!

    • Oh wow– first I have to clap at hearing that once again we’re having that weird & fun connecting on the same level thing again. You gotta send me link or info on that novel in 30 day app, Mae! So, cool that we do this so much! Um, today I bought myself one of the old-fashion pocket 2 yr planners to chart out mine. I has a nice pretty pink flower on the front…


      And wow– hope you do pick your own 30 day schedule and join me. That would be wonderful. I’ve got one other person also jumping on board. Hey– maybe we can get a movement going here– ‘DO IT IN 30!’ Folks who read or see our blogs can pick any ole thing they’ve had on their minds — pick their own 30 day schedule and roll with it–knowing they’ve got other folks around them doing the same thing. A strange kind of pay it forward flow. I like! Just keep passing the idea on people!

      Although, Mae– you’re so good at keeping your writing schedule on a tight leash — I mean you’ve got your 2nd novel coming out and finishing up your 3rd, Eclipse. I’m so excited at hearing you’re almost ready to shop it around!!

      Another day getting in late, but I’ve got the rest of the week targeted for writing — Yeah!

      Thanks, pal– I hope you can get a 30 dayer on your schedule and churn out that novella, too!

  2. I’m cheering you on too, Venice. I know you can do it!

    • Thanks, Alicia– you always do so such a great job cheering me on. Bless you! And backatcha– I’m glad we’ve hooked up to go after our writing dreams! I’m excited for both of us!

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